Food & Nutrition COVID-19 Emergency Complimentary Assesment
Rapid Food & Nutrition Services team can support your organisation to ensure you have a robust food and nutrition plan in place to deal with any emergency including COVID-19 crisis. Having a RAPID plan in place will ensure all processes relating to food services and the consumers nutritional requirements will be maintained even during the event of an Emergency.
If there is a need for the Emergency Plan to be implemented Rapid Food and Nutrition Response Team will be able to then guide and assist you through the required process on site. The RAPID plan will provide you with a thorough document that will be the Business Continuity & Risk Management Plan for your food service.
First Step Self Assessment
Gap Analysis Report
Resources & Training
Food & Nutrition
Food Safety
What we provide:
The Rapid Team will;
- Identify easy and available solutions
- Identify current food and nutrition requirements in an emergency environment
- Partner with specialist food and nutrition service to identify the gap
- Plan & Prepare NOW !
- Food and nutrition experts are able to provide resources as indicated by gap analysis
- Food Operational & safety experts are able to provide resources as indicated by gap analysis.
- With collaboration, finalise a full emergency plan with real meal solutions for residents, staff including those requiring special diets.
Plan & Prepare NOW !
- Quick efficient food and nutrition compliance during an outbreak.
- Special diets, modified texture meals provided with Dietitian advise.
- Able to rapidly supply food from offsite for Covid positive or negative zones to support the continuity of care for the residents.
- Reduce the burden of food service, ordering , logistics and staffing in a destabilised environment.
- Technology/ordering modified for simple and rapid meals ordering – full support from offsite team.
- Staff meal selection (if required).
- Rapid equipment assessment and support with chilled food storage solutions if required.
- Revised food service plans in an emergency destabilised location